Plant Olive Trees in Morocco

It rained late in March this year, giving an unexpected window of opportunity to plant olive trees. We're supporting farmers by purchasing olive saplings and distributing them as requests are received.

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A Time To Plant

The planting season relies on rainfall. In Morocco, drought has affected farmers' capacity to plant new trees. With the arrival of late rains in March and early April, we're able to expand the planting season if trees can be provided.

Olive trees are the most requested by farmers this season. To meet the demand, we're sourcing olive saplings from local nurseries to supplement the saplings we've grown from seed. We're able to supply these to farmers at a symbolic price, with external funding covering the cost of the tree.

At $1 per tree, you can be a part of expanding the 2024 planting season with trees that will have an impact for generations.

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100 Olive Trees | $100

500 Olive Trees | $500

1000 Olive Trees | $1,000

2000 Olive Trees | $2,000

5000 Olive Trees | $5,000

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