Cultural Preservation & Dialogue

Cultural Preservation & Dialogue

Group 15502

We encourage local community members to value their shared cultural heritage and support the preservation of the past for a better future.

Our Programs

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Funded by USAID, our Dakira program explores and strengthens interreligious and inter-ethnic solidarity in Morocco. This unique approach maximizes relationship building through the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and history. 

Dakira Factsheet
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House of Life

We facilitate the free lending of land at Jewish burial sites and the construction of community-managed fruit tree nurseries, strengthening inter-religious and inter-ethnic solidarity, preserving cultural heritage, and driving sustainable development. Through caring for a shared space of meaning, the House of Life project continues a long history of interfaith collaboration between Muslim and Jewish community members.

House of Life Brochure
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A partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Morocco brings together 8 teams of 60 youth and civil society leaders from around Morocco for a five-day workshop focused on cultural preservation. Participants engage with leading experts in the field, build connections, and develop human-centered design skills for cultural heritage preservation, along with receiving training in data protection, digital storytelling, and project management. 

TechCamp 2022 Final Report

Results by the Numbers

People in a workshop


religious and cultural heritage sites identified, evaluated, and mapped in various regions of Morocco with the American Society for Overseas Research (ASOR)


educational and outreach tools created for facilitators and participants of interfaith dialogue initiatives, including tour guides, students, and CSOs


children and youth engaged in heritage learning activities at more than 150 schools in five regions of Morocco


community members and leaders engaged in intercultural, interreligious, and intergenerational community dialogue through Dakira events


The Role of Culture in Post-Disaster Recovery Efforts

More than 200 million people are affected by natural disasters each year, causing significant damage in densely populated areas. Only since the 1970s have comprehensive international disaster response frameworks been developed largely in response to the growing number of natural disasters.

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Bridging Faiths, Preserving Legacies: The Role of Religious Communities Archives in the Preservation of Collective Memory and the Promotion of Diversity

On January 23, 2024, in partnership with the Diocese of Rabat and the Al Mowafaqa Institute, the High Atlas Foundation organized a study day entitled “The Role of Religious Communities Archives in the Preservation of Collective Memory and the Promotion of Diversity.” The event is part of the USAID-funded Dakira Program implemented by the High Atlas Foundation and its partners.

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Our Other Programs

High Atlas Foundation supports a variety of sustainable development projects within Moroccan communities that may interest you.

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Your generosity supports community-led projects that strengthen social ecosystems and cultural connections in communities across Morocco.

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