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Empowering Resilience: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Hope in Ait Iqaq

byAwa Cisse
onOctober 1, 2024

This week, I had the profound privilege of participating in a four-day psychosocial workshop in Ait Iqaq Village, in the Oukaimeden municipality. Each day brought me closer to understanding the lives of these incredible women, the immense challenges they’ve endured, and the unwavering strength that empowers them to navigate their daily lives with grace and determination.

The women's ability to carry on despite significant challenges speaks volumes about their resilience. This experience teaches us that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can find ways to endure and thrive.

On the first day, about 10-13 women trickled into the room, their steps slow and hesitant. The atmosphere was tinged with uncertainty as they believed the workshop was reserved only for the literate. However, with gentle encouragement, the room soon filled with 41 women, all eager to listen and learn. Formal introductions set the stage, and the day's session began with meditation.

Initially, the idea of meditation was met with nervous laughter and skeptical smiles, but the women soon embraced it, finding solace in the calming practice. During discussions, many shared their lingering trauma from the recent earthquake, a stark reminder of the profound impact it still had on their lives. Despite this, I was deeply inspired by their openness and newfound appreciation for meditation as a tool for stress relief.

The initial hesitation of the women reflects a common barrier to self-growth—fear of the unknown. Yet, their eventual participation highlights the importance of creating inclusive spaces that encourage even the most reluctant voices to be heard. This teaches us that sometimes, all we need is a little encouragement to uncover new strengths within ourselves.

Tuesday’s session began with a recap of Monday's events, where new insights surfaced. One woman observed that most discussions had focused on the past, with little said about the future. This observation underscored the workshop's effectiveness, as it sparked introspection and a deeper understanding of their community.

I was moved by how these women, day by day, grew more comfortable, engaging in discussions that not only reflected their past but also began shaping their future. The day continued with activities designed to relieve stress, foster friendships, and strengthen mutual support.

The women's evolving comfort and participation show the transformative power of community and shared experiences. Their journey from past to future-oriented thinking reminds us that growth often begins with self-awareness and the courage to confront our histories.

Day three centered on self-love and self-expression, a theme that resonated deeply with the women. This session quickly became a favorite of mine, as it empowered the participants in a tangible, beautiful way. Conversations revolved around the importance of looking good, feeling good, and expressing love to those closest to them.

The impact was immediate—women shared how focusing on themselves and dressing well lifted their spirits. Some even overcame shyness to express love to their husbands, a testament to the workshop’s empowering effect. While not all could shed their reservations, the collective resolve to keep trying was palpable.

This session highlighted the power of self-love and expression as catalysts for empowerment. It teaches us that small acts of self-care and vulnerability can lead to significant shifts in how we view ourselves and our relationships, creating a ripple effect of positivity.

The final day of the workshop was a celebration of joy and newfound possibilities. Greeted by the sound of joyous music and the sight of children dancing, the atmosphere was electric with happiness. The session focused on work and the future, with women brainstorming cooperative ideas and identifying the barriers they needed to overcome to realize their dreams. The workshop concluded on a high note, with Moroccan delights, heartfelt hugs, music, and farewells.

The last day reflects the importance of envisioning a better future and taking concrete steps towards it. The women's collaboration and forward-thinking mindset remind us that hope is the foundation of progress, and when coupled with community, it becomes an unstoppable force for change.