Earthquake Recovery

Earthquake Recovery

Group 15497

Our relief and recovery program is a dynamic, multidimensional response to the needs of earthquake-affected communities.

On September 8, 2023, an earthquake left more than 2,900 dead and 5,500 injured in the provinces of Al Haouz, Azilal, Chichaoua, Marrakech, Ouarzazate, and Taroudant. The tremors caused significant damage to homes and key infrastructure, especially in rural areas where homes collapsed and roads became impassable. Communities grieved the tragic loss of life and destruction of years of work.

Immediately, thousands of families urgently needed food, water, and shelter. Within ten days, we were able to procure, transport, and distribute supplies to 69 villages, supplying over 3,800 households with tents, blankets, mattresses, and food supplies. Our initial distribution work provided opportunity for real-time needs assessments, and we gathered extensive data with community leaders to inform the direction of our response. 

In the months following the earthquake, we've developed a dynamic relief program with communities and global partners. These partnerships have allowed us to continue distribution of food and other supplies, initiate group-based psychosocial therapy for trauma response, build intermediate shelters as an alternative to tent housing, and begin construction on water infrastructure. 

Our multi-year strategy is simply a continuation of our long-term partnerships with communities across Morocco. Our water and agricultural infrastructure projects are ongoing, and we hope to support farmers and rural cooperatives as they rebuild their livelihoods. We will continue to advance women's well-being through access to legal aid and literacy programs, and co-develop strategies for financially viable, healthy, and resilient communities. 

Donate to Recovery Initiatives

Progress to Date

Recovery is an ongoing process. Here are some of our recent updates. 

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families assisted
We've provided food, hygiene kits, kitchen supplies, water filtration systems, tents, blankets, and matresses.


participants of psychosocial empowerment
These workshops facilitate psychological healing from trauma through shared activities.


tons of supplies distributed
Our ongoing distribution meets the immediate needs of communities while working toward long-term rebuilding.


villages surveyed
Ongoing needs assessments allow us to respond relevantly and strategically to community needs.

Photos From The Field

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La Fondation du Haut Atlas apporte son soutien aux victimes du tremblement de terre au Maroc

Marrakech, le 11 juillet 2024 ― Plusieurs mois après le tremblement de terre dévastateur qui a frappé le centre du Maroc en septembre 2023, la Fondation du Haut Atlas (FHA) reste toujours mobilisée, fidèle à son engagement depuis le début, pour apporter son aide aux communautés affectées à travers des initiatives agricoles, d’assainissement et d’approvisionnement en eau visant à assurer le rétablissement de la production alimentaire au profit d’environ 3350 personnes.

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مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير تواصل دعم ضحايا زلزال الحوز، المغرب

مراكش، المغرب (7 يوليو 2024) - في أعقاب الزلزال المدمر الذي ضرب وسط المغرب في سبتمبر 2023، تواصل مؤسسة الأطلس الكبير التزامها بدعم المجتمعات المتضررة من خلال إطلاق مبادرات توفير المياه وخدمات الصرف الصحي والمشاريع الفلاحية الرامية إلى تحقيق التعافي الغذائي، والتي استفاد منها حوالي 3350 شخصا.

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High Atlas Foundation delivers relief for Moroccan earthquake victims

Marrakech, Morocco (7 July 2024)―In the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck central Morocco in September 2023, the High Atlas Foundation (HAF) has remained steadfast in its commitment to supporting affected communities through water, sanitation, and agricultural initiatives aimed at food recovery, benefitting around 3350 people.

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Our Relief Partners

The generosity of individuals, corporations, and foundations make our ongoing relief efforts possible.

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Join the Recovery Efforts

Donate today to be part of a recovery process that brings relief to families while working toward long-term reconstruction. 

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