First-time Fruit Tree Cultivation

First-time Fruit Tree Cultivation

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Toward a Greener Future

For the nomadic community in the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region, tree planting was a far cry from what they’ve done in the past. The land is severely degraded, and sustained drought and depleted soil continue to exacerbate the effects of desertification. However, tree planting can directly combat many of these conditions by retaining water in the soil, providing shade, and stabilizing against erosion.

Nomadic farming families expressed interest in piloting a tree-planting project in Dakhla, and the High Atlas Foundation partnered with them to provide saplings, resources, and support. In May 2023, 800 fig and pomegranate trees were planted alongside an enthusiastic group of community members.

Despite discouraging climate conditions, the community is determined to work toward a greener future. Beyond environmental impact, the project offers economic potential, providing a valuable income source through fig and pomegranate sales.

This collaborative effort symbolizes pride and hope for the nomadic farmers as the fruit trees take root, transforming the once arid landscape into a vibrant orchard. HAF's commitment to environmental stewardship resonates not only in the community region of Al-Haouz but also in other regions facing similar challenges. The successful partnership sets a positive precedent for future collaborations between HAF and its partners, highlighting the organization's dedication to promoting environmental protection across diverse regions.

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