IMAGINE Workshops

Group 15501


Our IMAGINE workshops encourage and equip women to have emotionally healthy discussions that expand their confidence and self-agency while identifying personal goals and priorities.

We ask women, perhaps for the first time in their lives, to imagine the life they want to create for themselves. These workshops, led by highly trained facilitators, provide a clear pathway for women to grow as leaders of their communities.

The workshops aim to empower women in seven key areas: emotions, relationships, sexuality, body, money, work, and spirituality. In addition to gaining greater awareness of themselves, their dreams, and their rights, women also learn about tools and resources that can assist them in pursuing their personal and communal goals.

The workshops also seek to empower women through increasing awareness of the Moudawana Family Code and inviting them to become agents of social change. The Moroccan Family Code (Moudawana) is a set of laws issued in 2004 that provide legal regulation for family-related concerns. 

More than 94% of the women who participated in research we conducted indicated that they had never heard of Moudawana or their rights associated with it, particularly in rural areas. Incorporating a rights-based approach, IMAGINE brings women together to learn about legal protections and to determine ways to further social justice in their individual contexts.

Many women who attend IMAGINE workshops emerge with a transformed outlook on their lives. Although not all women have the personal goal of earning income outside the home, many women go on to form successful cooperatives, earning income, using and expanding skills, and enjoying the time spent working in community.

Two women speaking to each other
“I was so naive about myself, and I didn’t know that I have great capacities that just need to be directed. Now I am able to discover what my strengths are.”
IMAGINE participant
“With each day of this workshop, I really feel the difference in my life. I’ve never felt this comfortable. It’s refreshing.”
IMAGINE participant
“When I attended this workshop, I felt as if I had gone to a therapist. I got rid of three things: social marginalization, family instability, and the feeling of contempt.”
IMAGINE participant
“It’s hard to believe that today, after four years, I have the courage to reveal and share my hard situation for the first time.”
IMAGINE participant
"Currently, I am a certified empowerment trainer. I am supporting the women in my community, showing them there’s another way, a life of independence where women are empowered.”
IMAGINE participant
“I have been married since 2015, and I have never had a chance to leave the house by myself. This workshop is an outlet for me to feel free although for just a short period of time.”
IMAGINE participant
"I have always complained about some unhelpful habits in my family. The workshop helped me realize that I was the source of those habits and I can change them."
IMAGINE participant
“Can’t we have these kinds of workshops every month? We really needed this. Thank you for reaching out to us.”
IMAGINE participant

Tangible Community Impact

Here’s what IMAGINE looks like by the numbers.

Women holding hands in a circle


women (and counting) in 8 regions and 25 provinces have been participants


people have been directly impacted in IMAGINE participants’ networks


people have been directly impacted in IMAGINE participants’ networks

The IMAGINE Experience

“Almost all the tools used in the IMAGINE workshop are new for the women in the communities that I serve. I find that asking questions, the central premise of the empowerment pedagogy, builds the self confidence of the women. Rather than me giving them answers, which they often want, I almost always respond to their inquiries by asking them a question so that they begin to trust their own inner wisdom. And the questions also play an important role in my understanding of the women’s ideas and their ways of thinking.

When I facilitate the workshop with devout Muslim communities the women especially enjoy the guided meditations. Meditation is an integral part of Islam, believed to open the door of revelation and to be an essential aspect of spiritual development. But it’s the tool of guided visualization that is truly remarkable for the women that the High Atlas Foundation serves. Because this tool relies on the ability to imagine or visualize, the women in the IMAGINE empowerment workshop realize that their imagination is just as important as knowledge.

Many of the women I serve have little formal education, which they associate with knowledge. But their imagination is unlimited! Through the guided visualizations they express their visions, innovations, and creativity. They can clearly visualize their capacity to change their own lives and to make their communities better. They understand that they do not need more education in order to create and implement these visions. I think the imagination is perhaps the most underutilized and important resource for these women’s empowerment.”

Fatima-Zahra Laaribi, Empowerment Facilitator, High Atlas Foundation

Women holding a certificate together

Opportunities to Support IMAGINE Workshops

IMAGINE Workshops are the first step in every community project, and they lay the foundation for all future development work. See more information below about how you can contribute to our ability to offer this transformational program.

A Life-Enhancing Program

“I attended four days of the IMAGINE course. This was my trigger for change. After what felt like an eternity, I was able to express my feelings, learn of distinctions between what duties I had as a woman, a wife and a mother, and how often this was overcast by an oppressive patriarchal culture.

I learned of my rights – beyond the culture that I was exposed to. Before this, I thought that getting a divorce would be too hard, but I felt strong enough for the first time to know that I have everything to live a good life on my own. I sat with my eldest son and explained to him what I was going to do and why, and I did the same with my parents. I feared their disapproval for so long, but they sat there, accepting me and what I needed to do.

Once the divorce was finalized, and with the support of The High Atlas Foundation, I became president of the cooperative. Currently, I am a certified empowerment trainer. I am supporting the women in my community, showing them there’s another way, a life of independence where women are empowered.”

- Rachida O

More Success Stories

Learn about how IMAGINE workshops have benefitted people, families, and communities.

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Women writing on a notepad