Carbon Credits

Carbon Credits

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Our carbon credit program links partners from around the world with a sustainable carbon offset option that supports Moroccan farming communities, families, and cooperatives.

What is Carbon Offsetting?

The carbon market is a mechanism in the global economy that seeks to incentivize carbon sequestration with the result of slowing — and eventually reversing — carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. Unfortunately, the carbon market has been mired in conflicting scientific claims, poor accountability, and in some cases, unethical and unjust engagement with human communities.

Despite the challenges inherent in quantifying, commodifying, and globalizing carbon, we believe the carbon market has immense potential to catalyze sustainable development. Healthy carbon cycles support soil biodiversity and are key to restoring degraded land, adapting to climate challenges, combating desertification, and providing stable food pathways.

Instead of using carbon offsetting as a way to shuffle environmental responsibility off corporate shoulders, we view this as an opportunity for direct investment in community-led climate responsibility and investing in nature-based solutions for global climate change and climate justice.

Tree planting is an incredibly beneficial strategy for restoring landscapes, preventing erosion, and managing water and soil. When families decide to invest in fruit and nut trees, they commit to a less intensive form of agriculture with many environmental, economic, and social co-benefits.

Our Carbon Offset Philosophy

We believe that by including the well-being of human communities and sustainable land management on a holistic level, the carbon market can be a revolutionary, voluntary investment in nature-based solutions for global climate change and climate justice.

Choosing ecologically sound agricultural and land management practices is inherently less profitable than intensive, nonorganic options. For families in Morocco, this profit loss is a significant barrier. The goal of our carbon program is to elevate the value of environmental stewardship and expand rural communities’ economic options beyond the single pathway of intensive agricultural production.

As we continue to advance this program, we hope to help establish soil organic carbon and biodiversity baselines through community-driven soil testing, establishing financial incentives for sustainable soil management even in areas where tree planting isn’t the right solution.

So, ultimately, we prefer to think of this as an investment rather than an offset. This provides a quantifiable way to preserve healthy ecosystems, support farming families, and move toward a future where environmental resources – and those who steward them – are deeply valued by the world that benefits from their use.

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How It Works

We’ve planted over 5 million trees, and our capacity has expanded exponentially in the last few years. We’re in the process of obtaining verifications from trusted climate standards and we’re excited to promote a tangible, immediate investment in Moroccan ecosystems and livelihoods.

Our goal is to catalyze a completely circular finance model. Profits from carbon offsetting go directly to the farmers, cooperatives, and schools who have planted and are caring for the trees. A percentage of the profits is reinvested in community nurseries – seeds, supplies, and maintenance – that allow tree planting projects to continue at greater capacity without outside financial assistance. New projects are funded with this revenue, and the cycle continues, multiplying impact.

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Become a Carbon Partner

We seek private and public partnerships with national and international corporations, universities, civil organizations, and government agencies committed to environmental and economic sustainability.

When you offset carbon with us, you show your community, employees, and customers your dedication to environmental responsibility. Contact us to discuss the details.

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High Atlas Foundation supports a variety of sustainable development projects within Moroccan communities that may interest you.


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Your generosity supports community-led sustainability projects that strengthen social ecosystems and cultural connections, grow Morocco’s green and agricultural economies, and empower women to become confident project leaders in their communities.

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