Dear Friends,
I have often felt that each project is a miracle, literally. When we look back during times of shared evaluation, who could have known or predicted all the roads we would take or the partners that would make each step possible. And, somehow, with the grace of so many people, hundreds of thousands of seeds are planted, water is delivered through solar energy, schoolchildren are made exuberant with their newfound environmental knowledge, and women travel to distant places to empower and build the capacities of one another, when once the allowance to leave their village seemed an insurmountable barrier.
With all of the communities we have been able to impact, it feels as though there is no shortage of projects, yet, none can be taken for granted or be left without our deepest appreciation. Countless moments, I have looked upon our managers and volunteers as miracle makers and our donors as those who bring miracles into people’s lives. I see local communities as the ultimate bearers of miracles, with generations-old dreams being fulfilled. We are now building new nurseries and planting where we have only dreamt of doing so before.
The development experience, though, has also brought us another observation—we need so many more miracles. There are still vast stretches of people across many municipalities without nurseries. Genuine empowerment to create their own change remains for the select few. Even as schoolchildren become joyfully raucous when love for the climate becomes love for each other—there are countrysides still unreached.So, I ask, help us make miracles every day, and help us reverse harsh struggles into prosperity. Please give now and make a difference in this miracle season of sowing and watering. And remember too, in Morocco today we need what no person can give: rain.
I hope you enjoy the articles in this Newsletter, as they show how local differences are leading to profound human hope.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir
High Atlas Foundation