Introducing a new essay on Moroccan decentralization and renewable energy
The consequences of environmental degradation extend far past a loss of natural resources or fragile ecosystems. The livelihoods, well-being, and health of people across the world are also at stake – particularly in regions that are already highly vulnerable to climate change and suffer from rural poverty, such as Morocco.
A unique opportunity is at hand for Morocco to address these urgent challenges, and has begun to do so. The development of renewable energy is at the heart of the Moroccan national energy policy, which is oriented towards a diversification of energy supply sources. Morocco is arguably the leader in Africa in terms of renewable energy, and the Kingdom has begun to focus on decentralized renewable energy projects after years of large-scale work. Greater action, however, in the form of a singular decentralization strategy, must be taken in order to fully capitalize on this potential and have a true impact on those who need it most.
This published essay, written by High Atlas Foundation President Dr. Yossef Ben Meir, Germanwatch Policy Advisor Ms. Kerstin Opfer, and High Atlas Foundation Program Director Ms. Imane Akhezzane, discusses Morocco’s strategies for decentralized governance, especially as they may influence, and indeed be driven by, renewable energy and community-based development.