“imagine” women’s empowerment four-day workshop at cadi ayyad university (with uca and uva women students)
This week was all about women empowerment, we had a women’s workshop for four days and it was my first time to experience it. I did not know what to expect and how it will turn out…
During the four days of the workshop, participants dreamed, imagined, described and drew to express themselves, danced, stood in a circle and shared their respective final thoughts within the group while holding candles…The circle was a perfect way to end our four days together; the women of the group farewelled each other with big hugs and kisses.
The workshop’s past four days had a strange effect on me. I felt as if I were friends with the fellow participants for many years. We were able to know each other’s personal stories, experiences and perspectives.
Each and everyone’s tales conveyed and taught lessons and motivated new insights and ideas. Sharing has tremendous positive effects on personal beliefs and should bring and lead to change.