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HAF's Hope for COP 28

byYossef Ben-Meir
onDecember 9, 2023

The High Atlas Foundation (HAF) works together with Acorn, Morocco's National Agency of Water and Forests, and the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable development, and pursues the verification of carbon offset credits of its community tree planting. This will generate new revenue to invest in local community projects that include water infrastructure for drinking and irrigation, new tree nurseries, school infrastructure, family literacy, capacity-building in technical and managerial areas, and other priorities.

HAF’s broad position, which is based on Morocco’s national outlook of sustainable development and that we hope at COP may be more entrenched in Carbon Offset Credit Standards generally, is to enhance the value of credits when tree planting harnesses multiculturalism, biodiversity, women’s empowerment, cooperatives and associations, adaptive innovation in monitoring and decision-making, arid lands, decentralization, South-South unity, and new revenue to reinvest in people’s projects. We apply this program approach in Morocco and seek credited standards to reflect these qualities to create self-generating development transformation with societies of the world.