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Friday, August 20th NYC Ramadan EAT.DRINK.SHARE Ftoor

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byNora Larhouasli Marrakchi
onAugust 21, 2010

Please join the High Atlas Foundation at our annual Ramadan Eat.Drink.Share Ftoor and have your name entered with each ticket purchase into our HAF’s Moroccan Film Festival raffle for a chance to win 2 tickets to the festival to be held on October 29-30th, 2010 at New York City’s famed TriBeCa Cinemas!

Friday, August 20th is our NYC Ramadan Eat.Drink.Share Ftoor at L’Artiste (43rd Street and 31st Avenue, Astoria Queens, NY) at 7:30 pm.

Celebrate the holiday with a delicious 3 course-meal, friends, old and new, and learn of ways you can get involved with HAF!

Registration: Space is limited. REGISTER TODAY!

Upcoming 2010 Eat.Drink.Share Events:

  • September: Fruit Tree Planting (Paris)
  • November: Women’s Cooperatives (DC)
  • December: Youth Outreach (NYC)

Event details and registration link will be sent out prior to each event.

All questions, comments, and ideas can be directed to HAF’s Event and Outreach Chair, Nora Larhouasli Marrakchi: