Academic Partnerships
Valuable Research Opportunities
Through our partnerships with universities around the world, we host students in master's and PhD programs, provide in-depth knowledge of local context, and support access to villages, programs, and previous research.
Students have conducted in-depth field anthropology studies, examined the intersection of gender, culture, and power, explored the impact of the participatory process in development work, and studied other aspects of the environmental and social sciences. In return, we benefit from the knowledge that touches on our areas of work, helping us continually improve processes and expand our ability to work toward positive change.
Our partnerships strengthen students’ capacities, volunteerism, and employability — all of which impact their abilities and confidence to pursue their chosen endeavors.
As an organization that facilitates a variety of sustainable development projects in different parts of the country, we are an ideal partner for universities interested in providing their students with real-world experience and research opportunities in multiple areas of sustainable development.
Our Moroccan Partners
We build networks of empowered, skilled individuals by partnering with Moroccan universities. These partnerships have launched Centers for Sustainable Development — hubs for participatory democratic citizenry tailored to local needs.
Al-Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI)
École de Hautes Études Économiques et Commerciales (HEEC) in Marrakech
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (IAV HII) and the Jeunes Leaders Marocains (JLM) in Rabat
University Hassan II, College of Law, Economics, and Social Sciences in Mohammedia
University Mohamed I, Center for Human and Social Studies and Research in Oujda
University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah and the Association des Experts Bénévoles pour le Développement in Fes
Ecole Supérieure de Management de Télécommunications d’Informatique in Beni-Mellal
Université Cadi Ayyad Marrakech (UCA)
Université Ibn Zohr (UIZ)
Additional Partners
We are proud to have collaborated with renowned academic institutions from around the world.
Let's Collaborate
Are you looking for ways to expand global learning opportunities with your students? We get excited about designing academic programs, internships, and visits to fit your needs.