Empowering Women Through Cooperatives and Psychosocial Support: A Path to Sustainable Development

Empowering Women Through Cooperatives and Psychosocial Support: A Path to Sustainable Development


Some may assume that after a year of psychosocial empowerment training, the need for such workshops diminishes. However, our experience as facilitators working in a rural part of Morocco tells a different story.

Psychosocial Empowerment: A Continued Need

Some may assume that after a year of psychosocial empowerment training, the need for such workshops diminishes. However, our experience as facilitators working in a rural part of Morocco tells a different story.

The lingering effects of the traumatic September 2023 earthquake upon High Atlas mountain communities, combined with the broader socio-economic challenges many participants face, mean that the demand for psychosocial support remains high. For example, one participant shared her fear of returning to her home, preferring to stay in the temporary tent, due to her continued trauma. Another one shared that “I miss being able to lean on a wall, because my house collapsed, and now I’m living in a tent.”

This shared sentiment highlights the long-term impact of such crises and the need for ongoing support. This means also that mental health is a continuous process rather than a one-off activity.

The workshops have also uncovered deeper psychological issues beyond earthquake-related trauma. During meditative practices, several participants fainted, not only due to recent traumatic events but also because of pre-existing conditions such as anxiety and unresolved trauma. “The challenges in our lives were already significant before the earthquake, but we were managing. The earthquake didn’t just bring destruction; it unearthed all of those buried struggles and drained the strength we had to confront them,” one participant shared.

This further highlighted the necessity of not only continuing these workshops but also ensuring that individuals with deeper psychological needs are referred to professional counseling centers and one-on-one therapy sessions. Collaborating with local health facilities and mental health professionals helps the High Atlas Foundation ensure that participants receive the medical and psychological care they need.

According to data from Hiba Taouali, a psychologist from Project Hope, 50 women out of a total of 431 participants reported experiencing a range of physical and mental health issues following the earthquake. This represents approximately 10% of the total number of women surveyed. Almost 40% of individuals highlighted significant disruptions to their sleep patterns, which persisted for approximately two months. One of the participants described keeping the light on throughout the night.

At the end of each psychosocial empowerment workshop, participants are afforded the opportunity to openly share their needs, aspirations, and visions for their future, with the understanding that they will be met with encouragement and support. This reflective process constitutes a pivotal element of the healing journey, as it not only permits individuals to articulate their aspirations but also facilitates the formulation of a vision for a life beyond their traumatic experiences. The objective is to provide support to participants to gradually let go of the painful experiences they have endured and transition towards a "new normal"—a life where they can regain control, rediscover purpose, and foster a sense of hope.

The ultimate objective of these workshops extends beyond the mere alleviation of the emotional and psychological wounds caused by trauma. While the process of healing from trauma is of the utmost importance, these workshops have a more ambitious objective: to facilitate healing through action and work and fill their spare time.

By encouraging participants to take practical steps toward building a stable and fulfilling life, the workshops facilitate the translation of emotional recovery into tangible outcomes, such as economic empowerment. This is where the integration of psychosocial support with economic opportunity becomes especially crucial.


In the High Atlas communities, we also hear exceptional stories of women taking action for their own growth. During open discussions at our workshops, a recurring theme emerges consistently: the overwhelming collective desire for sustainable economic opportunities.

Almost all women have expressed a strong interest in establishing cooperatives such as baking, sewing, and carpet making and engaging in cooperative-related training programs. For many, cooperatives represent more than a mere means of earning a livelihood; they offer a pathway to community solidarity, mutual support, long-term economic stability, and network.

Training of cooperative members provides the opportunity to consolidate their resources, disseminate knowledge, and collaborate towards shared objectives, thereby reaffirming the valuable contribution of women as leaders and fostering a more resilient and self-sufficient community by equipping them with the skills, confidence, and resources and tools needed to lead effectively. This empowerment enhances greater collaboration and innovation within cooperatives.

As women take on leadership positions, they strengthen community resilience, driving sustainable development and creating a self-sufficient environment where collective goals are achieved, and the social and economic well-being of the entire community is enhanced.

Nevertheless, the women are aware that the success of these cooperatives is contingent upon factors beyond mere enthusiasm and commitment.

The necessity of comprehensive training in cooperative management, accounting and compliance, market analysis, and financial literacy is underscored, as these elements are vital to ensuring the long-term success of these cooperatives. In the absence of adequate training in key areas such as decision-making processes, leadership, and financial planning, even the most well-intentioned cooperative may face significant challenges in achieving long-term success. The participants are acutely aware of the challenges they face, and they seek not only the tools to establish a cooperative but also the knowledge to sustain it for years to come.

Responding to Vocational and Literacy Training Needs

Beyond cooperative training, there is a significant demand for vocational skills development, particularly among women and young girls who have left school. Workshops have identified key areas where training is urgently needed, such as sewing, baking, and carpet making—skills that can provide sustainable income streams. These programs aim to empower participants with practical skills, enabling them to contribute economically to their households and communities.

One of the most pressing challenges, however, is addressing the high rates of illiteracy among women and the school dropout rates that limit young girls' future opportunities. To address this, we are recommending the launch of adult literacy programs, with a focus on women, who have expressed a strong desire to learn to read and write. These programs would not only empower women economically but also provide them with a sense of personal growth and agency. Literacy can act as a gateway to improved access to information, greater participation in community affairs, and enhanced ability to engage with social and financial services.


Expanding Access to Empowerment Workshops

Since 2017, HAF has made a significant impact in empowering women in rural and vulnerable communities. We have conducted 218 empowerment workshops in 26 provinces, benefitting 7,401 participants, including 5,349 women, 203 men, and 1,849 children. However, our work is far from over. There remains a waiting list of 29,474 individuals who have asked HAF to host these workshops in their village. Over the next six months, HAF plans to scale up our efforts, aiming to conduct 100 workshops with the support of four specialized teams. Our goal remains to empower these communities holistically, addressing both their psychosocial and economic needs.

Economic Empowerment Through Cooperatives

HAF aims to provide support to women who upon completing our workshops want to step into women-initiated and women-led economic activities. Connecting women to resources and support to form cooperatives is central to our strategy for promoting economic empowerment. Community economic initiatives can potentially sustain income opportunities for women who have long faced barriers to financial independence. The following quote summarizes the vision of the women: "By transforming our collective strength into cooperative, we create a path where prosperity benefits all of us."

Through bi-weekly training sessions that will be conducted by HAF institutional partners and HAF in-house experts, participants will gain the skills necessary to manage cooperatives effectively. These sessions, hosted in the local communities will provide women with the tools to create lasting economic change in their lives.

Collaboration with local civil society organizations, institutional partners, government agencies,, and financial institutions will be crucial in assembling the resources and technical support needed for these cooperatives to thrive. Additionally, vocational training and “home economics” programs can benefit young girls, equipping them with the skills necessary to pursue careers and contribute to their communities.


Literacy and Health: Keys to Sustainable Empowerment

In addition to economic and psychosocial support, HAF is committed to addressing the root causes of poverty and vulnerability, including illiteracy and poor health education. The introduction of literacy programs will provide 24 hours of instruction per month, with classes taking place in community halls, schools, and public spaces. These programs will help women and girls in rural areas improve their literacy skills, offering them new opportunities to engage in economic activities and access essential services.

Health and hygiene education will also remain a core focus, particularly for children and women. Ongoing efforts will be made to raise awareness about disease prevention, sanitation practices, and overall health, empowering communities to lead healthier, more resilient lives.

Building Resilient Communities

The ultimate goal of these workshops and initiatives is to empower women in vulnerable communities to create the lives they desire—both economically and psychosocially. The challenges are significant: many women lack clarity about their personal goals, access to mental health services is limited, and socio-economic instability contributes to high levels of stress and trauma. However, through the continued provision of psychosocial empowerment workshops, vocational and literacy training, and health education, we believe that lasting change is possible.

By fostering a supportive environment in which women can envision their future and equipping them with the tools to achieve their goals, we are not only helping them overcome the challenges they face today but also laying the foundation for a brighter, more empowered tomorrow.

We respectfully request that organizations and the Moroccan government consider investing in this crucial initiative, which aims to empower women in vulnerable communities on both an economic and a psychosocial level. With your assistance, we can continue to provide psychosocial empowerment workshops, vocational and literacy training, and health education, thereby effecting long-lasting change.

By cultivating an environment in which women and their families can envision a brighter future and providing them with the tools to achieve it, we are not only addressing the challenges of today but also building a more empowered and resilient tomorrow. Your funding is essential to enabling us to expand these life-changing programs and ensuring that women have the opportunity to shape their own futures.

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