On Wednesday, Microsoft YouthSpark provided matching funds at 100% for every donation from $10 up to $1,000 per donor per project. In addition, the project that raises the most funds will receive an additional $2,500, and the project that has the most unique donors will receive an additional $2,500.
Moroccan youth, especially young women, lack educational opportunities and the resources to attend high school and higher education, particularly in rural communities. Reasons for this include economic pressures and socio-cultural attitudes, which prevent many young women from getting their high school degrees. The burden of household chores tends to fall primarily upon young women, and in rural areas where schools are often far from home, families do not have the economic resources to pay for transportation.
HAF, with the Bernard Mejean Scholarship for Girls’ Education, seeks to alleviate this financial burden. The Bernard Mejean Scholarship Fund for Girls’ Education was created in memory of Bernard Mejean, who was born and raised in Morocco and recently lost a long struggle against illness. He is remembered for his generosity and his many contributions to his community. Bernard’s brother, Bruno, began this fund for underprivileged female youth in Morocco, and has already contributed $10,000.
Through Global Giving, HAF has raised $6325, bringing us closer to our goal of $20,000. These donations, along with the contribution from Bruno Mejean, contribute to a program that provides tutoring for 5 high school students in the Taza province of northern Morocco. The Bernard Scholarship has also set aside an additional $4,000 for a female graduate of the Lycée Decartes in Rabat
Caroline Hoffman, High Atlas Foundation Intern