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byHigh Atlas Foundation
onMay 8, 2018

The High Atlas Foundation recognizes that good governance with the partnering civil society organizations (CSOs) is critical for enhancing democratic governance, improving service delivery, and fostering empowerment.

CSOs that apply good governance systems for organizational management and development are able to not only provide quality services to their constituents but also hold the local government and state accountable and make it responsive to their needs and create partnerships to address key social, political and economic issues.

This week, the HAF project team focused the capacity building program for CSOs and University students on a very powerful message “Good Governance within CSOs”.

During a meeting with the director of Dar Chebab (Youth Center) in Ain Harrouda to discuss a partnership agreement between HAF and the Dar Chebab in order to benefit Youth in Ain Harrouda from the capacity building program, the project team advanced the principals of good governance as a way to enhance the role of Youth. During this meeting, the Director of Dar Chebab was very pleased and welcomed HAF’s initiative to bring such valuable and necessary capacity building program to benefit CSOs and Youth in Ain Harrouda. He assured the project team of his full support and welcomed us to use the Dar Chebab premises as a platform to interact and partner with CSOs and Youth in Ain Harrouda.

Following an invitation by members of Association Salam for Integration and Development in the commune of Sidi Moussa Ben Ali, the project team visited the site and met with the association to discuss ways HAF could support their efforts to recruit and mobilize constituents for community action plans. The project team, once again, advanced the principles of good governance within the association structures, including the use of the participatory approach and democratic planning for project development and management.

Meeting with Association Salma for Integration and Development, Commune of Sidi Moussa Ben Ali:

At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed on an ambitious capacity building program for the association members and extensionists.

During a follow up meeting with representatives of associations in Beni Yekhlif commune at the local Dar Chebab, where representatives of associations reported on their efforts to create a “Federation of Associations” as way to consolidate resources and create synergy and effective partnerships, the project team advanced ways effective board of directors could contribute to providing good governance and leadership by working effectively both as individuals and as a team. The meeting was an opportunity to meet with representatives of new associations and to invite them to join our capacity building program.

Meeting with representatives of Associations in Beni Yekhlif Commune:

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to invite other Associations (both newly created associations and old associations) to join the “Federation of Associations” project and to allow them time to review the drafted bylaws and regulations. It’s important to note that the constitutive general assembly will be organized as soon as these new Associations share their feedback and suggestions to the working committee and a final and agreed upon bylaws is drafted.

Training session at the University on effective organizational development and management:

The last activity implemented by the team this week was the first part of a training workshop at the University on effective organizational management and development as way for good governance within CSOs structures. The training session, which focused on effective administrative management was very well received by 23 participants, who expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn these principles and techniques and to apply them within their associations.