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Update: Tree Planting in Boujdour

byHajiba Boumasmar
onFebruary 7, 2022

Hajiba Boumasmar
YCC Program Coordinator

Children outside school in Boujdour with HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui
Photo by: Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF

HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui, reports that 570 fig and pomegranate trees were planted with 9 schools in 5 Moroccan provinces: Boujdour, Akhefir, Tantan, Sidi Ifni, and Semanara, Hana conducted the tree-planting workshops with students, and the student will be the responsible for these trees. She showed them how to plant trees correctly and how to take care of them so that they survive well.

Children and teacher outside school in Boujdour with HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui
Photo by: Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF

Children learning to plant a tree outside school in Boujdour with HAF program manager, Hana Ezaoui
Photo by: Hajiba Boumasmar, HAF