On Friday, September 8, 2023, a devastating earthquake struck the city of Marrakech and the Al Haouz region, causing significant destruction. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.2 on the Richter scale, with its epicenter in the village of Ighil. That night was unforgettable, as fear and panic spread among the residents, forcing them to spend the night outside their homes in search of safety following this tragic event.
The High Atlas Foundation (HAF), where I am honored to work, launched efforts to provide tangible, psychological, and social assistance to those affected. Our first destinations were the villages of Ijoukak, Talat N Yaacoub, and Ighil, in addition to the entire Al Haouz area. Despite the difficult and strenuous journey, we managed, thanks to God, to reach the most affected villages, bringing hope and aid to our people in those stricken areas.
The villages benefited from material assistance including blankets, food supplies, tents, and mattresses. These aids served as the foundation for the "Psychosocial Empowerment Program." After meeting their material needs, we moved on to the psychological aspect financed by Project Hope, which includes a HAF team of psychological support facilitators and children's educators.
During our journey to the village of Aghbar, I had the honor of participating with the facilitator, Abdullah Laaboudi, who was responsible for working with the men and provided us with valuable advice and support to make this workshop successful. I translated what Mr. Abdullah said into the Amazigh language, as most of the village men do not understand Arabic very well, necessitating my intervention to translate everything. I felt proud and grateful as I contributed to this noble mission aimed at alleviating the suffering of our affected people and fostering a spirit of hope and recovery in their hearts.
We must not forget the role of Mr. Youssef Raziq, whose effective interventions had a significant impact. He relied on a religious approach, which was central to the subject. This religious approach was greatly welcomed by the villagers, who listened attentively and interacted positively. The men expressed their personal and familial problems and relationships, as they were in dire need of this type of support.
Over the next four days, we witnessed the impact of those efforts when they thanked us deeply for the psychological support that alleviated their suffering from the earthquake. We noticed a real change in their personal, social, and professional lives for the better. This experience showed us the power of solidarity and cooperation in facing crises and confirmed that psychological and social support is no less important than material support. In fact, they complement each other to achieve comprehensive recovery and return to normal life with a spirit full of hope and positivity.
Through this experience, we saw how people in the affected villages were living in a state of continuous shock and fear. The sessions with the facilitators provided a precious opportunity for them to express their fears and problems, which eased the great emotional burden they were suffering from. We saw how these workshops helped to reduce trauma and provide some of the psychological comfort they desperately needed.
I felt the deepest gratitude when I saw people's faces light up with hope again. Those were unforgettable moments where they expressed their thanks with tears of joy and sincere words. This experience was a testament to the power of psychological and social support in helping people overcome crises and regain hope in their lives.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the High Atlas Foundation as a member of the "Hope Project." This participation was not just an ordinary experience but a real challenge for me to give more and prove all that was on my mind. During this experience, I felt very different emotions, full of pride and determination, as I had the opportunity to be part of a positive change in the lives of people who desperately need support.
I learned that giving goes beyond material barriers to reach the depths of hearts. This experience will remain etched in my memory as one of the deepest human experiences I have ever had. I felt that I was not just an assistant in the workshop but part of a new hope story being woven into the hearts of people. We saw smiles gradually return to their faces and hope revive again in their weary souls. It was an indescribable feeling, knowing that I was part of a real change contributing to improving the lives of others.