Todas las ideas


Black Walnut Tree Value Whatto Know
byYossef Ben-Meir
onJanuary 24, 2011

There is a window of opportunity that comes once a year to dramatically improve the lives of rural Moroccans. Each year’s planting season, which ends in mid-March, gives us the chance to make a donation that will benefit our environment and generations to come. For only $1 per tree, you can give the gift of sustainable development to rural Moroccans.

Fruit tree agriculture is so special because it at once profoundly impacts household incomes and the environment, and is in extreme demand by rural Moroccan communities. HAF and its partners launched a campaign in 2006 to plant 1 million fruit trees – and since then we have planted 200,000 (nearly 8 times the number of trees in New York City’s Central Park!) that benefit approximately 25,000 people in the most disadvantaged areas in rural Morocco.

Together, we can realize this year’s goal of planting with Moroccan families 220,000 fruit trees that grow naturally. This initiative includes building three community nurseries (totaling 200,000 almond, cherry, and walnut saplings), and planting 20,000 drip irrigated olive trees. Benefitting communities (approximately 150 villages or 30,000 people in four provinces) provide all labor in-kind and the project transfers skills so that local people can sustainably replenish their own nurseries in the future.

Please read about HAF’s other vital 2011 community initiatives.

Friends, it’s time now to make a difference for this planting season!

It’s Time!

~ Let’s together plant thousands of walnut trees that will live 500 years ~

~ And thousands more almond and cherry that will at least double family incomes~

~ And thousands still of olive trees (drip irrigated) which prevent erosion ~

~ And plant them in four provinces of Morocco by mid-March ~

~ And let’s do this together – plant 220,000 trees and impact 30,000 people – by raising $278,000 ~