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Ambassador Mekouar Hosts Second Annual DC Reception for HAF

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byHigh Atlas Foundation
onApril 16, 2018

On Friday, June 8th the High Atlas Foundation held its second annual gathering at the residence of Morocco’s Ambassador to the United States, H.E. Aziz Mekouar. Ninety guests, including nonprofit leaders from Morocco, returned Peace Corps Volunteers, and private and public sector officials joined the Board of Directors for this special evening for rural Moroccan families. Last year at this same event we launched our campaign to plant one million fruit trees and this year we were pleased to announce our accomplishments and speak of opportunities for the future. This year we planted nearly 80,000 fruit trees and saplings, funded the planting of 40,000 saplings to be planted in November, and made plans to hire a full-time project director who will be based in Rabat and manage the implementation of the one million tree initiative.