Today is World Water Day: Download "World Water Run" for Free!
Today is World Water Day. One billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. Nearly 1.8 million children die every year from waterborne illnesses. But you can help change this.
Download a free copy of “World Water Run: The Race to Provide Safe Drinking Water to the World” to learn more about the world water crisis. This beautifully photographed 122 page coffee table book highlights some of the innovative solutions being pursued to solve the crisis and in so doing offers hope and inspiration.
Water is life. As we share this Blue Planet, we must promise each other that no person will ever again have to live – or die – without clean, fresh water. Fulfilling that promise is within the reach of each of us.
-Excerpt from book’s foreword by Robert Redford
You can also make a donation to HAF’s project to provide clean drinking water to five Moroccan villages. Just $15 provides clean drinking water for one person…every drop counts!