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HAF President and Vice President Meet with the Moroccan Ambassador, Peace Corps Director, and National Peace Corps Association

byNora Larhouasli Marrakchi
onMarch 1, 2018

Jason Ben-Meir and Liz Fanning traveled to Washington, DC, on Friday, July 22, 2005, for a series of meetings around the upcoming reception and gala events in New York City. They met with Ambassador Aziz Mekouar at the Moroccan Embassy. They updated the Ambassador on the progress of the reception set for September 15 at Le Souk in the East Village, and asked for and received extensive support from the Embassy.

Later in the day, Jason and Liz met the Director of the United States Peace Corps, Gaddi Vasquez, at his office at the Paul D. Coverdell Peace Corps Headquarters. Also present were Jay Katzen, the Peace Corps’ Acting Chief of Staff, and Amy Adair Horton, Director of Peace Corps Domestic Programs. Jason and Liz explained how the High Atlas Foundation grew out of the Peace Corps experiences of former volunteers in the environmental sector and has grown to become a major player in community development at the national level. Director Vasquez was impressed by the High Atlas Foundation’s successes so far and the sustainable relationships it promotes.

Across the street from Peace Corps, they met with Kevin Quigley, President of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA). NPCA is a nonprofit organization of returned Peace Corps Volunteers, former staff, and friends committed to fostering peace through service, education and advocacy. NPCA publishes WorldView magazine and other widespread publications. Quigley is an Honorary Chair of the upcoming reception and gala events and was extremely helpful with strategy and exposure.

Finally, Jason and Liz hosted a get-together for Moroccan RPCVs and friends in the DC area. Trevor Riggen, Charlie Kellett, Tim Resch, Michelle Ghiselli, and others were in attendance. They shared news, swapped business cards, and caught up on gossip from the extensive RPCV family.