A Baraka Day: The High Atlas Foundation Signs A Partnership Agreement with Cadi Ayyad University
Sanae Benaadim
HAF Office Manager & Volunteer Coordinator
Dr.Yossef Ben-Meir and President Moulay Lahcen Hbid signed the partnership agreement at Wilaya of Marrakech.
On Friday, March 27, I was honored to accompany my colleagues, the President of the High Atlas Foundation (HAF), Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, and HAF Program Assistant, Lahcen Ait Ouatouch, to the regional coordination meeting on the provisions of law 51-17 relating to the system of education, training and scientific research at the Wilaya of Marrakech-Safi. At the meeting, HAF President and Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) President Moulay Lahcen Hbid took part in the signing of a partnership agreement on behalf of their institutions. A number of governmental and academic leaders were present for the signing, including the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education, and Scientific Research, Mr. Saaid Amzazi, the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Morocco, Dr. Driss Ouaouicha, and the Wali of Marrakech-Safi Region, Mr. Karim Kassi Lahlou.
The main objective of the partnership between HAF and UCA is to develop fruitful cooperation in the advancement of their shared aspirations and common interests. Specifically, we will together create and implement programs that provide rich knowledge and opportunities for experiential skills-building to UCA students in sustainable development, participatory approaches, and gender and youth empowerment. HAF and UCA are dedicated to the enforcement and strengthening of students’ capacities, volunteerism, and the socioeconomic integration and employability of young people, all of which will impact their abilities and confidence to pursue their chosen endeavors in the future.
I would like to sincerely thank Professor Fatima Zohra Iflahen for all her efforts to make this partnership happen. In this beautiful life, I have had the opportunity to meet two great professors, Pr. Iflahen, when I was a student at the university (UCA), and Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir in the last two years through my work with HAF. I am grateful to them both. I believe that this partnership will give great benefit to the next generation of students at Cadi Ayyad University in the coming years.